Recruitment Services
Preparing job descriptions
Hosting Job Fairs
Advertising job openings on OhioMeansJobs.com and in local/regional media outlets
Acting as the initial point of contact for all applicants, including for mass recruitments
Assistance with recruiting special populations (older workers, veterans, workers with disabilities, youth, etc.)
Tracking for applicant diversity and eligibility for training subsidies

Applicant Screening Services
Screening for minimum educational, experience and other employer-defined qualifications
Assessing skill levels, examples include the Career Occupational Preference System or the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, although employer-specific assessments can also be administered
Testing aptitude levels, examples include the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) or the Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE), although employer-specific testing can also be administered
Verifying references
Determining and documenting eligibility for Work Opportunity Tax Credit and other subsidies

Interview Services
Scheduling employer-identified applicants for interviews with employer representatives
Providing space and staff support for employer representatives to hold interviews

Other Services
(May have an associated fee)
Identifying local training providers for required employee training
Identifying options for applicant pre-employment drug screening, criminal background checks, physicals, etc.
We'd love to hear from you.
433 Third Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662

OJT is one strategy for individuals to receive training funded through grant programs. The term ''on-the-job training'' means training by an employer that is provided to a paid participant while that participant is engaged in productive work in a job that:
Provides knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job;
Provides reimbursement to the employer for the costs associated with training the OJT trainee, which are usually calculated at half the pay rate for the agreed-upon training period; and
Is limited in duration, taking into account the type of job, the participant’s prior related work and education, and the participant’s individual training plan or strategy.

Customized Training
Customized training is designed to meet the special requirements of an employer or group of employers and is conducted with a commitment by the employer to employ an individual upon successful completion of the training. The employer pays for 50% of the cost of training.
Customized training would be appropriate when there are significant costs associated with on-site trainers that the employer must contract with to train a group of new employees on the operation of specialized equipment and other classroom training. In some instances, a trainer (supervisor) employed by the employer may also qualify for cost reimbursement under a customized training agreement. Employers cannot receive customized training subsidies and on-the-job training subsidies for the same employee.
Incumbent Worker Training
Incumbent worker Training (IWT) is a business service designed to develop a highly skilled workforce which will result in increased business financial viability, stability, competitiveness, and productivity. To avert the risk of closing, IWT may be developed with a business or business association to maintain their competitive status, incorporate new technology, or prevent downsizing. Workers participating in IWT will benefit by enhancing existing skills, learning new skills, and earning employer or industry recognized credentials, in addition to retaining employment, maintaining their careers, and/or increasing their earnings potential. IWT will also allow the opportunity for backfilling vacated positions resulting from the promotion of newly trained workers.
IWT is restricted to skill attainment activities. The training should benefit workers by making them more qualified in their line of business and/or by providing them with skills for new products or processes. It is desired that the training results in credentials or industry recognizable skills that promote the worker's career and increases the overall employability.
Workforce Development Board Area 1 will utilize the following chart to determine the amount of the employer contribution for the overall costs of the training.